Volunteer Recruitment

Volunteers play an integral role in HSS operations, enabling the society to support and enrich the experiences of BHSc students. The HSS is committed to opening positions for all BHSc students, including online and first-year students. From organizing events, tutoring peers, participating in EDI+I focused initiatives, creating opportunities for professional development, and more, volunteering for the HSS represents an opportunity to become involved in the student community while developing unique skills and capabilities.

Volunteer Eligibility:

Applicants must be BHSc students and HSS members who have paid the HSS fee.

Applicants must be in good academic standing as defined by their program.

Club and Committee Co-Chairs are ineligible to apply for the same position or a position of ‘lower’ status.

Some HSS-hired positions have position-specific eligibility requirements listed on the application website.


Elected executives and representatives are voting members of the HSS, representing their cohort at Council and Assembly meetings. Students interested in running for an elected position are invited to attend the HSS elections information session on January 15, and request an election nomination package by emailing internalaffairs@hss.queensu.ca by January 18, 2024.

Winter Elections will be held for the following positions:

Executive Positions:


Vice-President University Affairs

Vice-President Operations

Representative Positions:

Fourth Year Representative (2 Positions Open)

Third Year Representative

Second Year Representative

Online Students Representative (2 Positions Open)


All HSS election candidates must be students enrolled in the BHSc program and HSS members in good standing.

Year/Online student representatives must be a member of the student cohort they intend to represent.

Students may not run for multiple HSS-elected positions concurrently.

Eligibility details are defined by the HSS Constitution.

Election timeline:

Nomination Period Opens – Thursday, Jan 18

Nomination Period Closes – Monday, Jan 22

Verification at Assembly – Wednesday, Jan 24

Campaign Period Opens – Monday, Jan 29

All-Candidates Winter Elections Debate - Sunday, Feb 4

Campaign Period Closes – Monday, Feb 5

Election Days – Tuesday Feb 7-Wednesday Feb 8