Welcome to the 4P Project!

Welcome to the webpage of the 4P Project – the Professional Program Prerequisite Project. The 4P Project is an ongoing HSS initiative with the goal of helping undergraduate students apply to health-related graduate and professional programs.

The 4P project is a composite resource that compiles application requirement information for various healthcare graduate schools across Canada, including medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, veterinary medicine, optometry, physician assistant, and more!

Sept/30 Update: The 4P project resources are fully updated to the 2024/25 application cycle!

4P Project Objectives

The 4P Project information PDFs represent the fruit of many months of hard work and dedication by our team members. So, we kindly ask that you credit us if you choose to disseminate or share this resource to external parties.  

We are in the continual process of refining and improving the accuracy and timeliness of our resource. If you find any section of the information PDFs confusing or unclear, we welcome you to use the feedback form presented below!

The 4P Project information PDFs is the resource “we wish we had when applying to grad school”. We hope you find them helpful, best of luck in your application journey and happy applying! 

You may access the information PDF for the various programs here.  

DISCLAIMER: The information contained in these fact sheet documents are by no means comprehensive and absolute. This resource is intended to be an aid for your research during the application process, not a replacement of information provided by the individual universities. The 4P project does not hold any responsibility for inaccurate or out-of-date information, as it will ultimately be your responsibility to fact-check.   

4P Project Resources

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